Research Opportunities
This page connects researchers and participants for current, and ongoing research. For findings from recently completed research, please visit Research Findings .
We have listed a few of the current studies and trials specific to pediatric stroke, but encourage families to use the information under Clinical Trials to search for other opportunities that may be in your area.
As a researcher, if you would like us to include your study on the Currently Recruiting list, please contact us! We would be happy to help with recruitment.
Research Studies and Trials Currently Recruiting
Perinatal Arterial Stroke: A Multi-site RCT of Intensive Infant Rehabilitation (I-ACQUIRE)
I-ACQUIRE is a multi-site trial comparing 2 dosages of a form of intensive pediatric rehabilitation known as Infant ACQUIRE (I-ACQUIRE) to Usual and Customary treatment (U&CT). I-ACQUIRE will be used to treat 8 – 36-month-old children with Perinatal Arterial Stroke (PAS) in either 3 hours/day (Moderate Dose) or 6 hours/day (High Dose) for 5 days/week for 4 weeks. For each child, treatment goals are set with parents who also participate in daily home practice (about 45 minutes/day) with their child. I-ACQUIRE includes all of the core features of pediatric Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT).
Your infant or toddler may be eligible if he or she:
- Had a stroke in the newborn period or was thought to have had a stroke even before birth.
- Shows motor weakness or poor control of movements on one side of the body (often diagnosed as hemiparesis).
- Will be between 8 and 36 months old when treatment is received.
- Program staff can speak with you to review all eligibility requirements in detail.
The Fralin Biomedical Research Institute, a university-level research institute of Virginia Tech, oversees the I-ACQUIRE Phase III trial, which includes funding for the program leadership’s work in Roanoke as well as sub-awards to a national coordinating center at the University of Cincinnati, a national assessment core at Ohio State University, statistics and data management center at the Medical University of South Carolina, and a neuroimaging center at Stanford University. Find the current list (April 2024) of participating sites here. Two new sites will be coming soon.
More information can be found on the recruitment poster, I-ACQUIRE Facebook/Meta page, Family Resources page, or
Research Studies on Recovery after Perinatal and Childhood Stroke
Researchers at the Center for Brain Plasticity and Recovery (CBPR) at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC, are studying the effects of both perinatal and childhood stroke on cognitive and language abilities. The study is done in Washington, DC, but compensation for travel will be provided.
Years of research has produced groundbreaking findings as detailed in EurekaAlert news article/September 2020 and PNAS article/October 2020 – and CBPR aims to continue to uncover more in its studies. Your family can help! The group is currently seeking childhood stroke survivors aged 11 and older to undergo functional MRIs to determine how the brain reorganizes after stroke. These images are taken without any invasive procedures or radiation. Participation involves two or three visits to the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, DC. Participants will be compensated for their time, and hotel in and transportation to and from Washington, DC is provided. Please note: they are looking for children, teens, and young adults who had an ischemic stroke as a baby, child, or teen. If you are unsure what type of stroke your child has had, please reach out to them and they can do a preliminary screening.
If you are interested in learning more, please email or call 202-687-3727. To find out more about the Center for Brain Plasticity and Recovery, please visit their website. A full description of this study can be found here (includes a QR code) or on the CBPR 2024 Flyer.
Baby Brain Recovery Study
This study aims to assess, over the first two years of life, concurrent recovery and development of the infant brain and resultant function after an early brain injury (such as perinatal stroke, brain bleed, or HIE). They are recruiting families with 0-6 months old infants with a history of early brain injury. The visits will take place at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Waisman Center, 1500 Highland Avenue in Madison, Wisconsin. There will be 4-5 study visits over 2 years. Financial support for travel is available. If you’re interested in participating or have questions, call 608-381-2699 or email Please see the Baby Brain Recovery Study brochure or visit (NCT number): NCT05013736 for more information.
Vein of Galen Malformation Research
Research for understanding the genetic factors that cause Vein of Galen malformation (VOGM) is now underway. This important research is being conducted by the Vein of Galen malformation Genetics Research Consortium (VOGM-GRC), which includes pediatric neurosurgeons, neurointerventionalists, neurologists, neurointensivists, geneticists, and molecular biologists. They are looking for patients of any age who have been diagnosed with VOGM and their family. Participant eligibility requires a donation of DNA from a cheek swab kit that will be mailed directly to your home. A short questionnaire detailing medical history will also be requested. For more information please visit the VOCM-GRC website; email Caroline Caudill, the Research Coordinator at; see their VOGM Research brochure; or check their Twitter account, @VOGM_GRC.
Use of Ride-On Toys for Improving Arm Function, (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts)
Researchers at the University of Connecticut are seeking participants for a study funded by the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM). The study will examine how a home program involving a joystick-operated ride-on-toy affects a child’s bilateral upper extremity use and functional participation. The study involves two phases: the first phase is a 6-week control phase in which the team will keep track of conventional therapy the participant is presently receiving in and out of school through weekly check-ins; the next 6-week is the intervention phase where the participant receives training for a ride-on-toy.
Participants will be between the ages of 3 and 8 years old and have hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Research will be conducted at the participant’s home school or a local playground, so participants should reside in the Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts area within a 1.5 hour driving radius from the University of Connecticut, Storrs campus.
Please see the call for research participants flyer for more information. If you’re interested in participating, please call 860-486-6192 or email
Research Studies on Pediatric Hemiplegia in Chicago, IL
Do you have a child with weakness in one arm from childhood-onset hemiplegia? If so, your child is invited to participate in a pediatric hemiplegia study at Northwestern University. Participants will be compensated. To learn more about the research study, click here.
Contact Divya Joshi at or 312-503-6018 if you are interested!
Cerebral Palsy Foundation’s Research and Clinical Trials
The Cerebral Palsy Foundation offers a new monthly email to help connect you with research trials currently recruiting individuals with cerebral palsy in the United States. They have curated this list to help you find studies that might be a good fit for you or your child, they are listed study type, in order by age range. To learn more about each study, just click on the title to go to the study page. If you are interested in subscribing to their weekly newsletter and to learn more about Featured Clinical Trials, please Sign-Up Here.
Clinical Trials is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. You can search by condition or disease (i.e. “pediatric stroke”, “hemiplegia”, “perinatal stroke”), location, recruiting, completed, or terminated. The listings are updated regularly, so you are encouraged to check the site frequently.
We’ve made it easier for you by providing direct links to some of the terms associated with pediatric stroke. for Pediatric Stroke, recruiting/not yet recruiting for Perinatal Stroke, recruiting/not yet recruiting for Hemiplegia, (birth to 17 years) recruiting/not yet recruiting for Cerebral Palsy, (birth to 17 years) recruiting/not yet recruiting
International Pediatric Stroke Study
The International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS) performs collaborative research aimed at understanding, preventing and improving outcomes in pediatric stroke, and to promote professional education, support families with pediatric stroke members, and support public education.
The IPSS currently includes over 150 participating research staff, investigators and collaborators from 55 active centers that have enrolled over 5600 children with stroke. Establishing this network has led to successful competitions for millions of dollars in research grants to fund the execution of the multicentre research studies and clinical trials required to advance knowledge and improve outcomes.
Please see the International Pediatric Stroke Study Colleagues and Collaborators list, to locate centers who participate in the IPSS worldwide. If you would like to contact IPSS directly, please send an email to
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute was established to fund research that can help patients and those who care for them make better-informed decisions about the healthcare choices they face every day, guided by those who will use that information. As the largest public research funder that focuses primarily on Clinical Effectiveness Research (CER), they issue funding announcements several times each year that call for proposals for CER projects. They include patients and other healthcare stakeholders throughout the research process, so the resulting evidence will address their most important questions and concerns.
PCORI sends weekly emails to notify you of newly funded research and engagement awards, opportunities to apply for funding, results of our funded research, stakeholder workshops, and original featured stories about their work.